This one’s for the PR Pros who might like to send this to their clients in the back row or to help with on-boarding language. Repeat after us…
We know that PR can seem like a behemoth. Clients think one thing (publicity only and lots of it) and get another (whatever it is they need to reach their ideal business outcomes and advance their cause).
For some, public relations will always be a concept that’s in the clouds. For others they’ll know that in order to foster great PR culture they need to concede to their PR impressions of times gone by, let go and trust in the experience of the PR Pro who is like a best friend to a business.

You can’t measure their worth in sales figures, stats or spreadsheets. But their impact is forever and infinite. Often you don’t know the true value of strategic PR until you take it away.
So with that in mind; here are our 12 Guiding PR Principles.
01: PR is not publicity. Publicity is one possible outcome of PR efforts.
02: PR is not sales. PR is a communications function that will impact sales over an infinite, evergreen and immeasurable amount of time.
03: PR is not advertising. Marketing is selling. Advertising is telling. PR is compelling.
04: PR is not marketing. Marketing is selling. And sales monitoring. PR is compelling through authentic connection fostered through story. (*put the ROI spreadsheets away MrMcStat!)
05: There is no brand without awareness and there is no awareness without PR.
06: PR is not a one-trick pony; PR is a communications function that pivots from any and every tool in the communications trade as need and in service of the business it represents.
07: PR is not what you say it is; it’s what ‘they’, the customer says it is. So the best PR is about empowering others to tell your story on your behalf. It’s about creating single core messages that are easily repeatable.
08: The most powerful and sustainable kind of PR is centred in values and purpose. This is what helps attract like-minded folk to a brand. Values, purpose, vision and mission, absolutely matter. They are the decision-making and communications filter for the entire business and the north star of excellent PR.

09: PR is happening in and around a business whether you’re thoughtfully wrangling it or not. Make sure you ‘do’ PR, before it does you.
10: PR is like a best friend to your business. You can’t put a dollar figure on the value it brings to your world.
11: PR is anything that generates organic engagement.
12: PR brings the humanity to your business and gets what you’ve got into the hearts and minds of people who need it most.
For the PR Pros – This is a post to reassure you that we’re with you on this ride of client communications confusion. You are seen, heard and valued. And to keep on with the PR progress of bringing clients into the fold with how PR works. It’s a tough gig. But important.
For the clients – A lot about PR done well is conceptual and considered, with execution something you can’t always easily see, feel or touch. How much does it all cost? Start with a meaningful and realistic budget and go from there.
Check into our shop for DIY PR tools to help you on your merry-PR-way or be sure to get in touch if you’d like us to manage it all for you.
raraPR is above all the sum of people who together help build brands and share stories. We are present in our determination to make a positive difference to the world by representing individuals and businesses that are doing good. We are an extension of the personal stories within us, those that we exist for and those within you that need to be heard.